
Comfortable For Millennials, These Are 7 Modern Office Designs That Make More Fun

posted on April 23, 2021

Comfortable For Millennials, These Are 7 Modern Office Designs That Make More Fun


Millennials are synonymous with modern office designs that display novelty and progress. The millennial generation prioritizes the comfort of working so that they can give the best results. This is related to the office atmosphere which can build motivation in them. Color games, furniture, and creating an office atmosphere are the main points for millennials to work comfortably.

Modern millennial office interior designs usually apply a lot of modern sides that can help millennials to stay growing and productive but do not reduce their comfort and level of pleasure. The modern office is made in balance so that the needs of work and recreation can be fulfilled properly. Because millennials don't like monotonous office types because they are considered boring.

You can create a fun and exciting atmosphere by building an interior design that suits millennial needs. Today's offices usually have implemented this a lot. However, take a look at these 7 modern office designs if you are just starting on redesigning your office.


Flexible Modern Office Design

Millennials like flexibility in their work. The use of a workstation that is insulated is one of the characteristics of millennials who want to have privacy in their work. However, it does not rule out that an open work area also increases work productivity. They enjoy discussing and openly convey spontaneous ideas for their work.

If you are new to building a company and are recruiting millennial employees, consider this point. Flexible office interior design allows millennials to move freely and encourage creativity from all aspects. Working for eight hours a day can be bored, therefore the office area must be made flexible so that employee comfort can be balanced with the workload given.

You can create open work areas or multipurpose rooms that can balance fun and creativity at work. It also allows the sensitivity to introvert and extrovert patterns at work.


Minimalist Modern Office Design

The simple and clean appearance of the office is certainly interesting to look at, not only as a distraction, but the attractive feeling is a comfort that appears for millennial employees who work in it. The concept of an office that is as comfortable as a home is also needed to make millennials think of the office as their second home and produce creative things from there. The minimalist office design allows for a visual appearance that is minimal in decoration, without making it boring.

You can try tidying the strewn wires to make your electrical grooves less messy, using wireless technology, and everything else that's compact. Modernity makes the office must start to go hand in hand with technology trends. That way the concept of a modern office will certainly depend on the technology that is currently developing.

Modern Office Design with Natural Accents

An office with a monotonous atmosphere is certainly boring, especially if the interior design is stiff. Not every millennial. Modern offices for millennials are usually bathed in light with large windows that make the atmosphere even brighter, but fun.

Millennials' high awareness has made them care enough about the environment. Therefore, adding natural accents such as living plants and wood accents also makes them feel at home in the office. And that's how a comfortable modern office interior design should be for millennials.

Indeed, not all offices can apply the concept with plants, but this can be circumvented by installing environmentally-friendly LED lights. Or of course by using natural light from the sun. That is why the windows are made large so that the room remains bright without using a lot of lights.

Modern Office Design Like Co-Working Space

Millennial workers like working together. Exchanging ideas and discussing is one of the things that become their working style in generating creative ideas. This then encourages company owners to build office interior designs that allow millennial workers to collaborate to get maximum results. Without having a private space, usually, the office atmosphere will feel more relaxed because nothing is exclusive. They are all placed in the same room to be able to mingle with fellow workers.

The idea of ​​an open area such as a co-working space is an option if you don't have enough space to create a personal workspace for employees. A co-working space or lounge can be quite an option. Millennials usually like to mingle for fresh new ideas.

Technology-Based Modern Office Design

Millennials are of course very literate with today's technology. They may not like the traditional way of working. That is why the use of technology in modern office designs must be considered. In addition to providing benefits in ease of work, technology also gives another look to office interior design. The use of technology has certainly been seen, starting from the use of smartphones, computers, tablets, to all types of video conferencing recently.

For interior design offices, using tablets can make millennial workers move more flexibly because they can take their work with them without having to stick to computers in the office. Technology in modern offices has also begun to penetrate the use of applications, such as timesheet applications, video conferencing, and daily task recording applications.

Modern Office Designs With Attention To Worker Health

Workers' health is a shared responsibility, especially millennials who understand health will demand this so that their health elements can be fulfilled. It's not only about working hours and food, the existence of the right furniture will certainly make millennials feel at home working because their health is taken into account.

One example is to pay attention to the height of the monitor and the suitability of a work chair that is suitable for your posture. Because, if not, it will result in diseases that also interfere with their work.

Modern Office Design with Fun Color Shades

Millennials are very sensitive to color. They will be easily distracted by striking colors and disturb their eyes so that it compresses the idea in their head. Therefore, the use of color in a modern office interior design needs to be carefully planned. Because each color has a different effect on each person. You have to understand that color can affect someone's creativity.


Millennials want a cooperative work atmosphere for them to bring maximum ideas and creativity. This atmosphere is built through a modern office design that supports the needs of all of them. Gradually all offices that recruit millennials must follow this kind of concept to develop and achieve common goals.



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