
Jakarta Interior Design Applies 4 Ways to Create a Healthy Home

posted on May 7, 2020

Jakarta Interior Design Applies 4 Ways to Create a Healthy Home

At this time, the world is being hit by an epidemic of the COVID-19 virus. Many people begin to do physical distancing and self-isolation in the home. Both ways are effective ways to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As you know, it means you spend more time at home, from resting, gathering with family, to working. You must pay attention to the design of your home because it should be a comfortable and healthy place to protect yourself from the disease. Not only that, but a house that has an attractive interior design also will not make you feel bored. Now, the need for homes that have healthy interior designs is increasing. Not only beauty is prioritized in designing a house, but also a healthy home for its residents is the main attraction. In designing a house, Jakarta's interior design will realize a house that has a function to maintain your mental and physical health as residents of the house. But, surely you are wondering, how to create a healthy home interior design? Is your home design now healthy enough? To find out, you can read the methods below that you can apply to make healthy home design. Also, you can ask for help from Jakarta's interior design to create a healthy home for you and your family. In circumstances like now, you should pay more attention to the design of your home.

Jakarta Interior Design Does Not Use Hazardous Materials

If you are working with Jakarta interior design, you must pay attention to the selection of materials used in the interior design of your home. Indeed, Jakarta's interior design will create a healthy home environment through the selection of appropriate materials. However, that does not mean you do not communicate with the Jakarta interior design of your choice. You should be clear about the type of material used. Until now, in designing homes, there are still many who use the type of material that contains dangerous substances that escape your attention, such as the type of asbestos material. Therefore, Jakarta's interior design does not recommend asbestos in making the roof of a house. Try to note, does your house contain asbestos material? Not only asbestos alone, but there are also some materials such as paint or thinner that contain hazardous substances. To avoid this, you can work with interior design in Jakarta in choosing the right type of material for your home design. You can also learn materials commonly used in designing a house. That way, you will know the materials contained therein. Jakarta's interior design will pay attention to your desire to create a healthy home for you and your family.

Jakarta Interior Design Provides Access to Natural Lighting

Although the room in your house has the maximum light from a lamp, you still need natural lighting. To make every room get natural lighting, Jakarta's interior design will provide access to natural lighting. You need to know, the natural lighting that is in the interior design of your home is very important because it will have an impact on health and affect your activities. That is very important because not only is lighting, natural lighting can also reduce humidity in the room and can kill bacteria. Especially if your home design gets good morning sunlight. That way, sunlight can increase immune immunity in you and your family.

Jakarta Interior Design Provides Ventilation for Air Circulation

The existence of an open area and proper air ventilation in the house is very important to note. With these two areas, the air circulation system in your home will be good. In designing a house, you should implement a cross-ventilation system that will allow fresh air to come in to replace the air that is in your home. If you feel that the ventilation used is not enough to cool the room in the house, you can use an air conditioner. To make healthy home design, the use of air conditioner should not be used at any time because it will affect the health of your body and your family. If you are confused about providing proper ventilation in the house, you can consult with Jakarta's interior design who understands well the design of a healthy home. By living in a healthy designed home, you can better protect yourself from illness. Not only to realize a healthy home design, but you also need to be able to care for and maintain your home so that the design that has been applied can function to make the homestay healthy.

Jakarta Interior Design Arranging Parks in the House

Of course, in designing your home, Jakarta's interior design will give home results that look beautiful, fresh, and cool by presenting a garden inside the house. The existence of the park will bring a very good impact on mental health and your body as a homeowner who spends a lot of time doing indoor activities. Apart from the use of ventilation, parks and vegetation can also help to regulate temperature, circulation and humidity in the room. Jakarta's interior design selects the application of gardens and vegetation in your home to meet your needs for healthy home design. Vegetation has a variety of functions that are good for health in the home, such as filtering dirty air and producing oxygen. The presence of parks and vegetation designed by Jakarta's interior design will also provide a good psychological effect for you, as you can make the area as a place of relaxation and stress relief. This is very good for mental health and relieves boredom in you, especially in situations like this that make you have to be at home every day. Jakarta interior design understands that you need a healthy area to get rid of boredom in your home.

healthy home

If you already get a healthy home design, you also have to take care of it regularly. Maintain cleanliness of the house so that your home remains healthy, comfortable, and safe for your health. It's not just clean, you have to make sure the house is free from a variety of pest attacks. Are you interested in creating a healthy home that suits your needs? You can apply the above methods so that residents of the house remain comfortable and healthy to spend a lot of time inside the house. We as Jakarta's interior design also have ways that can help you create healthy home designs. You can browse our official website and contact our customer service. If you are looking for various tips and other information about housing, interior design and home architecture, you can find it here.

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